Monday, January 12, 2009

CES Highlights: Microsoft Surface Table

When Microsoft first showed off its Surface Table, I wasn't completely sold on it. It was cool, but it looked very gimmicky. At CES, Jeff and I got to play around with one and it made me do a complete 180. I actually like it...a lot.

The table is very responsive and reacts to the slightest touch. At one point, there were three of us at different sides of the table. Each one of us was moving and resizing a window which was playing video (there must have been at least 30 windows playing video at the same time.) There was no lag whatsoever. I also liked that a quick pinch or squeeze shrunk the window while expanding your fingers blew the video up to half the table's size. Like I said, it's very responsive.

You can't buy the table (I believe it's sold for commercial purposes only), but it's a lot cooler than I thought it was.

1 comment:

Camstone said...

I think Anderson Cooper is rethinking his use of it at the CNN Inaugurations... seems the touh software is still fairly buggy.