Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NES Flashback

Wednesday is going to be a non-stop snow-fest here in New York City with up to 18" of snow expected to fall when all is said and done. Back when I was in elementary school that meant one thing. Snow day! Which in turn meant 24 hours (or as many hours as my parents would allow) of non-stop NES games.

Unfortunately, adults don't have snow days, but that doesn't mean we can't reminisce! I stumbled upon this video on YouTube the other day. I was a huge Wizards & Warriors fan as a kid and I'm proud to say I beat both games (I also beat the GameBoy version, Fortress of Fear). To this day, I think Ironsword (Wizards & Warriors II) had the best music of any NES game I ever owned. Closely tied with Ninja Gaiden II (I still get goosebumps watching that intro!)

So here's to the snow days of the 1980s and 1990s. Now those were games.

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